According to the EPA, air pollution inside the home can be two to five times higher than outside. Genuine Honeywell pre-filters, True-HEPA, and HEPA-Type replacement filters help remove allergy provoking dust, pet dander, pollen, smoke and mold spores from the indoor air you and your loved ones breathe. Clean systems operate more efficiently. Honeywell air cleaners and air purifiers filter microscopic particles and allergens to help make your home a healthier place to live with cleaner air to breathe. They can remove up to 99% of common household particles. Make sure to replace your air purifier filters, air cleaner filters, air cleaner pre-filters, HEPA and True-HEPA filters as recommended and with genuine Honeywell filters so they can work correctly! Honeywell filters are the Doctor's Choice. Shop our Honeywell replacement filters below and order your air purifier filters and air cleaning filters online on our secure servers.

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